Запатентованная пероральная терапия для улучшения зрения при заболеваниях сетчатки и зрительного нерва
Защищает и улучшает функцию фоторецепторов сетчатки и волокон зрительного нерва
Ультра-концентрированный рыбий жир с более чем 95% EPA и DH
Практически нет экологических токсинов
Eyetas puplished pre-clinical and clinical evidence
Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Stargardt Disease (Clinical Study)
Возрастная макулярная дегенерация — основная причина потери зрения у людей в возрасте 50 лет и старше. Лечение ВМД В настоящий момент ограниченно и часто не эффективно.
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Macular Degeneration
(Preclinical Study)
Macular degeneration is a group of conditions that typically affect older adults, leading to the gradual loss of central vision. While there is currently no cure, there is still hope for slowing the progression of the disease. Eyetas is specially formulated to counteract photoreceptor damage by repairing and regenerating retinal cells.
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Болезнь Штаргардта
(Preclinical Study)
Stargardt disease is an inherited eye condition that leads to gradual central vision loss, often beginning in childhood or adolescence. While there's no cure, treatments can slow its progression. Eyetas is formulated to protect and repair retinal cells, offering hope for preserving vision in those affected by Stargardt disease.
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Rat Model of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy ( rAION) ( PreClinical Study)
Non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAAION) is a condition where the vessels supplying blood to the optic nerve become blocked leading to loss of oxygen supply to the optic nerve and finally its damage. Damage to the optic nerve can lead to irreversible vision loss due to damage on the neural tissue. Retinal cell survival is now possible when supplemented with Eyetas dietary supplements. EYETAS has proved to improve vision and protect retinal cells, through its neuroprotective effects. Anti-inflammatory response with Omega 3 supplementation is evident at a cellular level.
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Почему Eyetas
Запатентованная пероральная терапия для улучшения зрения при заболеваниях сетчатки и зрительного нерва Защищает и улучшает функцию фоторецепторов сетчатки и волокон зрительного нерва Ультра Концентрированный рыбий жир с более чем 95% EPA и DHA Практически нет вредных токсинов
Message from Dr Tassos Georgiou
(Clinical Professor in Ophthalmology)
Eyetas has transformed the way I treat retinal diseases. Its clinically proven results not only improve vision but also restoring hope for my patients.
“Eyetas is a true breakthrough in eye care.”